Taste Of Indore: Bati Pizza’s entry in Indori taste, people became crazy, know the rate and location

Taste Of Indore: Bati Pizza’s entry in Indori taste, people became crazy, know the rate and location

Rahul Dave / Indore. Indore of Madhya Pradesh is famous all over the country as the capital of taste. Seeing the delicious dishes here, your mouth will water. At the same time, each dish has its own distinct specialty. The Chowpatty in front of Meghdoot Garden is also one of them. There are more than 250 small and big shops here. Usually you must have eaten Baati and Pizza, but you must not have heard about Baati Pizza.

Actually there is a shop on Chowpatty by the name of Seth Batiwala. Bati Pizza is available at this shop. It may sound strange, but it is a replacement of maida. The shop operator Ayush Agarwal was a mechanical engineer by profession, but now he is running the Seth Batiwala shop for the last 5 years. The special thing about the shop is that the best combination of fast food, Malvi and Rajasthani food is served here. Ayush Aggarwal uses Baati, which is made of flour, for the pizzas available at his shop.

This is how desi touch comes
According to Ayush Agarwal, batis are made from flour and baked on the oven along with coal. While curd and chutney are also served along with the pizza, which gives it a desi touch. Batis are made by giving the dough the shape of the pizza base. Along with this, he told that Bati Pizza is made without flour, because of this people are very fond of it. While people of our place are also crazy about Baati Kachori. Also told that the cost of Bati Pizza is 100 rupees. Apart from this, different types of Kachoris are also available at our shop. The cost of different kachoris is Rs 25, 45 and 60.


FIRST PUBLISHED : May 31, 2023, 10:53 IST

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